What Is Black Lives Matter Activist Movement?

The movement began in 2013, with the use of #Blacklives Matter on Social media platforms especially on Twitter in the response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman.

Since the death of George Floyd on 25th May, Public’s belief on race, criminal justice and the black lives Matter movement jumped leftward.

Leadership seems to be broken from the COVID-19 pandemic and police brutality to target the minor communities around the world. We as a human need to take a step forward in support of this and need not to support people taking advantage of the situation to engage in criminal behaviour.
Nations around the world have watched in concern over the civil unrest within the U.S. following the death of martyr Floyd, a Black man who died when a white cop (Police Officer) ironed his knee on his neck till he stopped breathing. George Floyd’s was dying words are “I can’t breathe…I can’t breathe”. After which the protest against the United State Police had started.
Not only in the United States, but thousands also gathered in Central London to offer support for demonstrators. They at the point walked to the U.S. embassy, where a long line of officers encompassed the building. A few hundred milled around in the street and waved postcards. Protesters in Denmark too gathered at U.S. embassy. They all carried placards with messages like “stop sloughing black people”. Also, the U.S. embassy in Berlin had become the place of protest in support of Black lives matter movement. It became the headline for top-selling world newspaper in Germany. In Canada, thousands gathered in Toronto’s Christ Pitts park, sometime recently they walked to police headquarters.
Black lives matters” is now a symbol of anti-racism for everyone. The United States, being the most powerful nation is still suffering from inequality and racism. What can we all do to contribute to this community is to not judge someone by his/her colour, sex or race.
I Can't Breathe!!! Protest...

Black lives matters” is now a symbol of anti-racism for everyone. The United States, being the most powerful nation is still suffering from inequality and racism. What can we all do to contribute to this community is to not judge someone by his/her colour, sex or race.
Mindset Medieval
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