Time travelling might sound like a fun trip, but some physicists think it may actually be possible. We 're really travelling in time! For starters, we fly a year in time between birthdays. Since several respondents have pointed out, we travel constantly though the time — just forward, and all at the same rate. Yet, really, flying in time is more than mere fiction. But first, we need to understand the time.

Understanding time

What is the time? Although most people believe of time as a constant, physicist Albert Einstein has shown that time is indeed an illusion; it is relative-depending on your speed through space, it can vary according to different observers. For Einstein, time is the "fourth dimension." Space is defined as a three-dimensional environment that provides a traveller with location-showing parameters — such as length, width, and height. Time offers one more parameter— direction — even if it only goes forward conventionally. (A new idea, conversely, contends that time is "real.")

Einstein's special relativity principle suggests time slows down or accelerates depending on how fast you travel in comparison to anything else. An individual inside a spacecraft will age significantly slower when reaching the speed of light unlike his twin at home. Equally, under that same general relativity theory of Einstein, gravity will manipulate time.
Picture a fabric called space-time in four-dimensions. When something that has mass rests on the piece of cloth it creates a space-time dimple or bending. The space-time bending causes bodies to travel along a curved course, and that space curvature is what we recognize as gravity.  Both of the general and special relativity theories have also been proved with GPS space technology which has onboard very precise timepieces. Here's how Einstein's theory says gravity often bends space and time, slowing down the passage of time. The way high where the Earth's gravity is much lower than the satellite's orbit. That causes GPS satellite clocks to move faster than ground clocks. The cumulative effect is that the clocks encounter time on GPS satellites at a rate slightly quicker than 1 second every second. Luckily, arithmetic may be used by scientists to correct certain variations in time. "Is it possible to travel across time? We need to be a little more precise about what we imply by travelling through time, to address this issue.

What is time travel?

For decades, time travel — travelling between various points in time — has been a popular subject in sci-fi. Time travel is the idea of movement between different places or locations in time, analogous to movements by an entity or an individual across different points in space.  H. G. Wells has popularized the idea of a time machine in the book 'The Time Machine', published in 1895. 

Some ancient myths show a character jumping ahead in time. The Hindu mythology Mahabharata relates the story about King Raivata Kakudmi, who journeys to the heaven to meet  'Brahma' the creator and is shocked to find that so many years have passed when he returns to earth. The "Urashima Tarō" Japanese tale first mentioned in the Manyoshu tells about a young fisherman called Urashima-no-ko visiting an undersea castle. He returns to his village after three days and finds himself in the future for 300 years, where he's been lost, his house is in ashes and his family has disappeared. There are various stories related to time travel but no one really has any proof.

Physicists address in scientific papers the existence of closed time-like curves, which are world-lines that create closed loops in spacetime, causing objects to travel to their own history. Solutions to the general relativity equations are known to describe space-times that involve closed time-like paths, but the physical validity of these answers is unclear. Many within the research community agree that it is extremely difficult to move backwards in time.

After all this, the idea of time machine came into existence.

What is a time machine?

Time Machine or Time Travell machine is a hypothetical system that enables travel to, or to go beyond a certain point in time, the past and future. Unlike those frequently portrayed in science fiction films, the concept of constructing a time machine is possibly the subject of dreams. If somebody and somehow managed to make a time machine to go back in time or go into the future then he/she could watch history directly and erase any ambiguity about previous events. He/she was able to watch a potential future and see how decisions and events worked out, could retrieve and/or conceal lost treasures for future recovery. In the past, battles could be fought with the use of a time machine by killing rivals. For a well-placed bottle of poison in a town, whole countries and communities may be washed out. Any nihilist will finally wipe out the human race when we come out of the forest. Any past or future that a time traveller encounters will eventually become detached from the traveller.   Whether the traveller himself would become an anomaly as his/her influence would pass upstream or branches would result in certain influences. Thinking forward will help policymakers and average citizens make the right choices.
This would be helpful to us to be able to fix past errors, both on your own and of other people. It is a wonderful dream to travel back in time to visit an earlier age. Isn't it cool!!!

So, What do you think time travel is really possible or not? 

Is Time Travell possible?

Time travel might sound much-fetched although scientists are already investigating some nature mysteries that may result, one day we can see the fulfilment of this dream. For certain general relativity spacetime geometries which allow moving faster than the speed of light, such as cosmic strings, traversable wormholes and Alcubierre drives, time travel to the past is theoretically possible. No one has figured out how to construct a special vehicle going from now until yesterday. However, astrophysics provides us with one potential route: the power of a black hole could possibly be harnessed to travel through time and space. According to general relativity, a spinning black hole may create a wormhole- a hypothetical distorted space-time created by the Einstein field equations of general relativity i.e. a theoretical relation between two space-time sites, or maybe even two points in separate universes. There is a black hole issue though. For a long time, they were believed to be unreliable, and thus untraversable. Fortunately, recent advances in the theory of physics have shown that these constructs could actually provide a means of travelling through time.
Sadly, in doing so we have absolutely no idea what to expect. Quantum physics still attempts to predict what will happen within the wormhole, on the premise that one could even enter such a location. Further to the point, there is no simplest strategy in engineering that would allow us to construct a craft that can safely make that journey. The idea of travelling back in time raises all sorts of paradoxical questions and resulting in problems like the grandfather paradox. But let's talk about paradoxes and stuff in another blog...


Yeah, time travel is a real thing indeed. But it's still not exactly what you've been through in the movies. In such circumstances, the passing time can be measured at a pace other than 1 second/second. And there are significant reasons why we need to recognize the requirement of time travel in the real world.

Mindset Medieval

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